
The new Robles For Ever
lvl 1 ,432 Church St, Richmond Victoria 3121, Australia


24 Feb 2023


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm



Open Tango Workshops

we will be working under the Independent Creative Learning* guidelines  This style of teaching allows for students to learn at their own pace, generally set out by the fastest learners. In an Open tango workshop like this, the student can learn up to 5 advanced combinations of minimum 4 bars of music each.

Within these combinations the student is exposed to the main components of the dance, eg; Giros*, Boleos*, Planeos*, Cortes*, Corridas* etc, and how all these components are placed following or preceding any given movement.

These combinations are taught with music interpretation and positioning in relation to line of dance* in a Milonga* scenario.


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