New Year Special Program w/Tango Esencia

A perfect way to start the new year with energy, motivation, and good technique! 💪✨

Perfect for dancers at all levels to work in deeper and with more detail into the body. Bookings required.

1-2 pm Followers Technique
Creating a dancers body through strengthening and lengthening exercises, posture, balance and footwork.

2-3 pm Partners Technique & Partnering Drills
Understanding partnering technique that is needed to work together in a partnership and practical drills to work on for improved connection with your partner.

3-4 pm Embrace and Connection in the Tango Walk
How to have a better connection with your partner in the Walk. Various ways of walking with clean technique and articulation of foot waits for a transformative experience in walking!

$25 per class
$45 for two
$60 for all three classes


Step into another era at our special Supper Club – a moody night of tango with live music, drinks, decadent deliciousness.

Robles Dance, 277 Queensberry St, North Melbourne

Milonga 7.30 pm til late

$35 incl, supper snacks & live music

Drinks at the bar

Surprise TDJ

Cortinas by Mimí

Live entertainment

Dress: Suave & Sophisticated

Expect the unexpected…

Hosts: Fabio Robles & Mimí Crisante


Step into another era at our special Supper Club – a moody night of tango with live music, drinks, decadent deliciousness…plus a little slow dancing at midnight.

Sunday 22nd December

Robles Dance, 277 Queensberry St, North Melbourne

Milonga 7.30 pm til late

$35 incl, supper snacks & live music

Drinks at the bar

Surprise TDJ

Cortinas by Mimí

Live entertainment

Dress: Suave & Sophisticated

Expect the unexpected…

Hosts: Fabio Robles & Mimí Crisante

TangoMelbourne Classes – 1, 1.5 & 2


We’re thrilled to welcome Sam and Josh to our teaching team! Together, they offer something rather special—Josh’s beautifully structured approach paired with Sam’s deep musical knowledge. You will want to take advantage of this!

Starting this Thursday 5th of Dec.
Where: I.AM.DANCE Studio Level 1, 393 Smith Street, Fitzroy (enter via Kerr Street)
6 PM – Level 1
7 PM – Level 1.5
8 PM – Level 2


Fabio Robles Robles pRactiLonga & piZZa

La práctica hace al maestro

NEW to Robles on Tuesdays

– twice a month – featuring a guided Tango Tip of the night!

Come and hang out.

Time:7pm-10 pm

pRactiLonga $15 plus piZZa to share $10, optional


Robles Fonti Weekend

All workshops are tailored to suit from a beginner to an advanced dancer.

​All workshops @ Robles Dance
277 – 283 Queensberry St Melbourne

Friday 1st November 2024

Workshop 1

7.30 pmFrom the same family…Ochos and boleos $40

The crude reality of the ochos. Lead and execution. Equilibrium of the opposites in the points of contact.
Boleos technique respecting anticipation, place and space.​

9.00pm – Fab’s Fab Friday Milonga $25

DJ José, Robles vibes!​

Please note that the usual bundle for Fridays still applies, Workshop and Milonga $40 


Saturday 2nd November 2024

Workshop 2

1.30 pmTango Tornado, Spiral movements $40

We will discover how the body guides circular movements, present in individual rotations and in partner communication. We’ll work on the circularity of movement individually, with a partner, and in groups

Workshop 3

3.15 pm Killer sacadas $40

Combination of sacadas from both roles.​

8.30 pm – First Saturday of every Month MILONGA $25

DJ Marce – Fabs Empanadas, special performance, Robles vibes!


Sunday 3rd November 2024

Workshop 4

1.00 pm: Valsing in the rain $40

Giros and change of direction. Vals cadence, musical interpretation and resolution of musical phrases.​

2.45 pmCrazy Milonga $40

Combine MIlonga Lisa with Milonga traspie

Detail technical instruction for dancing Milonga and linking small sequences together.

Please note that you don’t have to book on line, you can simply email, inbox on Messenger or text on the mobile number below and pay on the day in person.

5 Workshop Package $150

Book Your Workshops and Milongas HERE  – BOOKINGS

Sunday Pop Up Milonga @ Robles

This is the first of our special pop-ups!
finish the weekend on the dance floor, BYO drinks,
New Star DJ Karen!!!
Where: Robles Studio – 277-283 Queensberry St, Melbourne
Entry: $ 20
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