Leader’s Technique with Nadim and Fabio

Welcome to Fabio Robles and Nadim Sawaya’s Leader’s Technique workshop!
With many years of tango under their (tango) belts and having studied extensively with some of the world’s greatest dancers, we are very excited to share some of our training techniques with new and experienced leaders.
This workshop is designed to help leaders enhance their connection, improve their communication with followers, and gain a deeper understanding of the musicality and dynamics of tango.
The class focuses on a range of topics, including:
1. Connection: Leaders learn to establish and maintain a strong connection with their partners through proper embrace and body contact. They explore ways to communicate their intentions clearly and effectively, using subtle signals and body language.
2. Leading Techniques: Leaders work on refining their leading techniques, including the use of body weight, subtle shifts in posture, and precise footwork. They learn to initiate and guide movements, such as walking, ochos, turns, and embellishments.
Throughout the class, participants engage in partner exercises and drills to practice the techniques being taught. In addition, they rotate partners regularly to experience dancing with different followers, which helps leaders adapt to various styles and improve their overall leading skills.
This workshop suits anyone interested in learning to lead or going deeper into their technique. We want to cultivate a sense of artistry, sensitivity, and connection between leaders and their dance partners, ultimately enhancing your overall tango experience. — feeling excited.

MST TANGO TASTER with Tango LOVE Melbourne

Tango LOVE Melbourne (Elena and Tom) will delve into the art of Milonguero-style tango, focusing on finding freedom within confined spaces. They will explore techniques that allow dancers to move gracefully, turn, and exchange positions with their partners in crowded milongas. Additionally, they will bring tools to learn how to anticipate timing, control movements, and master the art of stopping without truly stopping – just like the phrasing in singing.

Elena and Tom met through tango in 2006 in Buenos Aires; over the years they learned the importance of freedom at the moment of improvising in a social space. They started teaching in 2009 while living in Europe, organising milongas and practicas to change roles as part of the learning process. Elena took up dancing at 21 years of age, studying in Buenos Aires at the Instituto Universitario National of Art and the “Universidad del Tango”, plunging herself in the heart of tango: the milongas. Tom started dancing tango in Berlin, but soon Buenos Aires was his place, where he explored and immersed himself in the dance and culture surrounding tango.

Partners in tango and life, Elena and Tom have made Melbourne their home and after a parenthood break, they are teaching again through their new venture ‘Tango LOVE Melbourne’.

Contact: tango.poets@gmail.com or 0468 383 622

Classes Mondays 7.00 to 8:30pm at Schoolhouse Studios 28 Victoria St, Coburg.

PRACTICA: 4.00-6.00 pm – Continue your learning at the practica.


Gippsland Tango Group Class

EVERY Wednesday evening 🎵🎶
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Where: St David’s Uniting Church Hall,
9 Campbell St,
We dance for many reasons, but most of all, because we can🥰
Wednesday night is your night to learn Argentine Tango in the friendly, fun group for gentle exercise and socialisation.
All inclusive with no partner required.
No previous experience necessary 🙂

TangoMelbourne – Milonga Crystal

We have our monthly Milonga this Sunday, and it’s in a beautiful venue in Fitzroy!

The room has a gorgeous floor, elegant curtains draping down domed windows and chandeliers!

There is lots of free parking nearby (you can use the Woolworths parking on smith street 1 min walk from the venue), and public transport.

This beautiful room is booked for this Sunday, but if you attend and love it as much as we do, we will do our best to make this an ongoing event in this unique space! We are waiting for your feedback. Please take a look at the details below.

Milonga Crystal

Sunday 16th of April


Location: 118 Greeves St, Fitzroy


 Milonga time: 8-11 pm


Cost:$20 casual, $10 for class attendees and members, free for VIP members



5pm Lvl1

6pm Lvl1.5

7pm Lvl2



Tango Touch Argentine Tango Classes

Tango Touch is Melbourne’s newest Argentine Tango school, ready to equip you with a unique language of dance to connect and converse in a whole new way.

Targeting beginners currently but can accommodate intermediates if they turn up!

Cost: Cost $20 or pay for four classes and a 30-minute private $100


Thursday (starting from 30th march

6 pm Level 1.5

7 pm Level 1

8 pm Level 2

9-10:30 pm Practica


Los Toties Melbourne 2023

Los Totis Melbourne 

For more information or to book, follow this link – https://www.roblesdance.shop/book-online

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