
Dromana Lifesaving Club
upstairs, 250 Point Nepean Road, Dromana VIC, Australia


13 Dec 2022


7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Tango on the Bay Guided Practica

PrácTica (guided)

PrácTica’ is a tango experience bridging between a lesson and a milonga (social dance).
A perfect, and supportive environment to practice the skills you already have, try something new, learn about the codigos of tango, ask questions and receive advice.

Our Resident Teacher Bill Jarman will guide you on what to practice and how to practice.

* Please be polite and courteous. Give each other feedback in a constructive manner.
Bookings not required
Open to all tango dancers no matter where you are on your journey.

The practica is the learning environment for dancing tango. It is the partner to the milonga in the development of tango.”


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