Home new calendar page - Tango Club Melbourne Group Class MST TANGO TASTER with Tango LOVE Melbourne


0419 126 998


Mark St Community Hal
1 Mark St, Fitzroy North VIC, Australia


07 May 2023


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

MST TANGO TASTER with Tango LOVE Melbourne

Tango LOVE Melbourne (Elena and Tom) will delve into the art of Milonguero-style tango, focusing on finding freedom within confined spaces. They will explore techniques that allow dancers to move gracefully, turn, and exchange positions with their partners in crowded milongas. Additionally, they will bring tools to learn how to anticipate timing, control movements, and master the art of stopping without truly stopping – just like the phrasing in singing.

Elena and Tom met through tango in 2006 in Buenos Aires; over the years they learned the importance of freedom at the moment of improvising in a social space. They started teaching in 2009 while living in Europe, organising milongas and practicas to change roles as part of the learning process. Elena took up dancing at 21 years of age, studying in Buenos Aires at the Instituto Universitario National of Art and the “Universidad del Tango”, plunging herself in the heart of tango: the milongas. Tom started dancing tango in Berlin, but soon Buenos Aires was his place, where he explored and immersed himself in the dance and culture surrounding tango.

Partners in tango and life, Elena and Tom have made Melbourne their home and after a parenthood break, they are teaching again through their new venture ‘Tango LOVE Melbourne’.

Contact: tango.poets@gmail.com or 0468 383 622

Classes Mondays 7.00 to 8:30pm at Schoolhouse Studios 28 Victoria St, Coburg.

PRACTICA: 4.00-6.00 pm – Continue your learning at the practica.



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