Practica M

Practica M is a wonderful, safe, welcoming, friendly, inclusive, relaxed, and nurturing environment for Peninsula. Of course, tango dancers from everywhere have the opportunity to get some extra musicality, technique, Milonga floor craft/ codigo practice …
Dance | Practice| Explore
| Ask questions
Practice and finesse!
Come dance with us!
7:30 pm to 10 pm
Don’t forget it’s BYO drinks & glasses. Coffee & tea supplied
Perhaps you could bring along a little ‘share plate’ 😉
We will be waiting for you!!!
Studio 64
Martha House Community Centre
466 Esplanade, Mount Martha
Parking onsite
If you are standing at the front of the building we are in the front room on the right hand side of the veranda

Boogie Fever Neolonga

Let your boogie fever loose at this fun and friendly neolonga, where you are free to play and experiment with your tango if you want, at Australia’s longest-running neo-tango regular event. To get in the theme, dress in 70s style, e.g., psychedelic, paisley, or floral patterns. If you don’t have any 70s-inspired clothes, come dressed in popular 70s colours—brown, green, and orange.
DJ Bella will provide the best of neo-tango music, including 70s cortinas 🙂
$20 cash only
This special Project NFT event is part of the Melbourne Tango Circuit

Milonga Sol y Silencio

Tango Touch and MUDC are excited to host Milonga Sol y Silencio, a milonga experience with a little twist.
At Milonga Sol y Silencio, we’re taking a unique approach. We’ll summon the Sirens of Silence, leaving verbal exchanges at the door. This will allow our eyes, movement, touch, tone, and presence to take the stage, creating a truly immersive experience.
Deepen your embodied connection, be inspired by the music curated by the wonderful TDJ Dimitra and share in the warmth of a collective heart space we create together. ❤️
Refreshments will be included to fuel the afternoon.
This event is part of the 2024 Melbourne Tango Circuit.
Venue: Forever Dance Studio
Level 1/432 Church St,
Richmond VIC 3121


Time: 12-3 pm

Cost: $25/$20 (MST Members)

Embrace the Fever


Embrace The Fever and ‘Feel the Sizzle’
Join Madame Di and Lady Meg for a sizzler of an afternoon. Embrace your inner fever and connect, dream and dance the day away.
Hosted by:
The Tangueria-Sidewalk Tango & Tango on The Bay
Saturday 26th October
Time: 1.30 -4.30pm (Lunch at 12pm)
DJ Rosaria
Entry $20
Smokin! Dress to ignite
Come early for lunch at 12pm at the Aviary.
Email to join our table.
Venue: Aviary Hotel, 271 Victoria St, Abbotsford
This event is part of the 2024 MST Melbourne Tango Circuit

Bilz Milonga Roja

A red-hot night of dancing awaits you in this gorgeous venue, with magic music by TDJ Wendy Dear from Brisbane. Light supper included.

Table bookings: Text Bronwyn 0418 148 510

or email

Caliente Milonga el Circulo

Burn the floor in the colourful splendour of the historic Fitzroy Town Hall with the magnificent Melbourne Tango Orchestra and Master TDJ Nadim, celebrating 5 years of the Circuit at this gala event.

We would love you to wear your Latino brights to add a splash of colour to the pista, and a complimentary glass of Sangria from the licensed bar awaits you at what will be the biggest night of the Circuit. Don’t miss it!

Date: Sunday 27 October 2024
Time: 7.00pm-11.00pm
Venue: Fitzroy Town Hall, 128 Moor St, Fitzroy
Dress: Latino Brights
TDJ: Nadim Sawaya
Live music: Melbourne Tango Orchestra
Licensed Bar (no BYO)

BOOK online for discounted tickets

Showy Dance Melbourne



4 pmTango Intermediate/Advanced

These classes are weekly.

Our studio is located at 322 Sydney Rd Coburg

Contact 0431 037 786

The Tangueria-Sidewalk Tango

Inter-Adv 8.15 pm-9.15 pm

Taking it to the Next Level

This level is suitable for dancers who understand the basic level criteria and the underlying structure of tango.

The focus is on finding a connection between the embrace and musicality. Challenging tango combinations are taught and discussed. This level allows you to deepen the expression of the dance, allowing your personal style to emerge through musicality and more complex movements.


Practica Tangueria 9.15pm-10pm

The practice is open to students from the 8.15 pm class and included in the fee.

It’s not just about practice, it’s also a social event. A chance to meet fellow tango enthusiasts, ask questions, and explore tango at your level. So, relax, socialize, and have fun while honing your skills.

Milonga etiquette and floor craft are discussed during classes.

Price Structure

Single Class $26pp  

Class package block of five $105pp

Private classes available by appointment.


Organiser Dianne Heywood-Smith

Location 327 Swan Street Richmond 3121

Mobile:- 0418331638


The Tangueria-Sidewalk Tango

Basic Structure 7 pm-8 pm 

plus practice time 8 pm-8.15 pm

Technique Training and Underlying Basic Tango Structure

Stylish, elegant and excellent fun

This class is a welcoming space for those new to tango and tango dancers wanting to reinforce the basics. We work together to understand the structure of tango, increase body awareness, find greater fluidity, and enhance our understanding of connectedness.

Musicality is introduced as we work with the basic structure of tango.

Price Structure

Single Class $26pp  

Class package block of five $105pp

Private classes available by appointment.


Organiser Dianne Heywood-Smith

Location 327 Swan Street Richmond 3121

Sunday Pop Up Milonga @ Robles

This is the first of our special pop-ups!
finish the weekend on the dance floor, BYO drinks,
New Star DJ Karen!!!
Where: Robles Studio – 277-283 Queensberry St, Melbourne
Entry: $ 20
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