Tango Tuesdays are back

Tango Tuesdays are back baybeee!

A relaxed after-work practilonga in a beautiful Brunswick hall.

To kick things off at our new venue, this event will be FREE for our wonderful members!

Tuesday January 14th
7-9.30 pm
212 Sydney Rd Brunswick
FREE members/$15 non-members

Thursdays are back milonga

Social tango dancing in the North.

Schoolhouse Studios, Coburg.

Time: 8-12.

Entry $15.

Bar available. No byo.
Music by Victor. Great space, including PA and huge floor.

Tango with Bill & Leigh

Our classes are open-level and are taught by Bill Jarman and Leigh Rogan who are two of Melbourne’s most experienced and well-respected tango teachers.

The class cost is $25 per person per class. No partner is required.

Everyone is invited to come and share in the combined knowledge of two of Melbourne’s most well-known and experienced tango maestros, teaching together again!



The Tangueria-Sidewalk Tango

Basic Structure 7 pm-8 pm 

plus practice time 8 pm-8.15 pm

Technique Training and Underlying Basic Tango Structure

Stylish, elegant and excellent fun

This class is a welcoming space for those new to tango and tango dancers wanting to reinforce the basics. We work together to understand the structure of tango, increase body awareness, find greater fluidity, and enhance our understanding of connectedness.

Musicality is introduced as we work with the basic structure of tango.

Price Structure

Single Class $26pp  

Class package block of five $105pp

Private classes available by appointment.


Organiser Dianne Heywood-Smith

Location 327 Swan Street Richmond 3121


The Tangueria-Sidewalk Tango

Inter-Adv 8.15 pm-9.15 pm

Taking it to the Next Level

This level is suitable for dancers who understand the basic level criteria and the underlying structure of tango.

The focus is on finding a connection between the embrace and musicality. Challenging tango combinations are taught and discussed. This level allows you to deepen the expression of the dance, allowing your personal style to emerge through musicality and more complex movements.


Practica Tangueria 9.15pm-10pm

The practice is open to students from the 8.15 pm class and included in the fee.

It’s not just about practice, it’s also a social event. A chance to meet fellow tango enthusiasts, ask questions, and explore tango at your level. So, relax, socialize, and have fun while honing your skills.

Milonga etiquette and floor craft are discussed during classes.

Price Structure

Single Class $26pp  

Class package block of five $105pp

Private classes available by appointment.


Organiser Dianne Heywood-Smith

Location 327 Swan Street Richmond 3121


Mobile:- 0418331638

Website:- www.tangomelbournetangieria.com

Every Sunday PRACT-ilonga

What a way to dance without the pressure.

The Sunday Practi – Longa is a mix between a milonga and a practica.
It’s designed to get you dancing around others in a very informal way. If you want to practice by all means, jump into the centre of the floor and practice away.
Keep your tango growing and build great social links at the Sunday Practi – Longa.
See you there!
Details :
Price: casual $15 / members $10
Location : 1 / 393 Smith st. Fitzroy (entry on Kerr st)
Time: 6pm to 8:30 pm every Sunday

Project NFT Milonga

Project NFT (Neo Fusion Tango)  is a Tango Nuevo venue in Melbourne. Tango is for enjoyment, and we offer an alternative way to enjoy your dancing. Try us.


The venue is close to East Richmond train station and on tram routes 70 & 78, with free street parking all around.

New Year Special Program w/Tango Esencia

A perfect way to start the new year with energy, motivation, and good technique! 💪✨

Perfect for dancers at all levels to work in deeper and with more detail into the body. Bookings required.

1-2 pm Followers Technique
Creating a dancers body through strengthening and lengthening exercises, posture, balance and footwork.

2-3 pm Partners Technique & Partnering Drills
Understanding partnering technique that is needed to work together in a partnership and practical drills to work on for improved connection with your partner.

3-4 pm Embrace and Connection in the Tango Walk
How to have a better connection with your partner in the Walk. Various ways of walking with clean technique and articulation of foot waits for a transformative experience in walking!

$25 per class
$45 for two
$60 for all three classes

MST Practica @ Mark St

Nurture and expand your tango knowledge and skills with others through practice.

Connect and socialize with your tango community!

Time: 3 pm – 6 pm

Date: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday February to December 2025

Entry:$10/ MST Members/reciprocal tango association members $5

FREE Parking is available on Mark St and Falconer St.

TRAM 11 runs nearby on St Georges Rd.

Milonga Siempre @ Forever Dance

Tango para Siempre on the beautiful Forever Dance floor dressed in your classic tango style for a night to remember.

Time: 6.30-10.30 pm
Dress: Classic Tango

  • Light Refreshments
  • BYO welcome

Venue: Forever Dance, 1/432 Church St, Richmond
Entry: Online $25/MST members $20

At the Door  $30/MST members $25

Online bookings preferred

BOOK NOW for discounted tickets : https://melbournesocialtango.com/events/

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