Leaders Technique Workshop

Exciting news! 👯‍♀️🎼🌟

Join Nadim Sawaya & Hsin-Da Lee for a special collaborative Leaders Technique Workshop on Wed, 2nd April.
About Hsin-Da..
Invited to DJ during the popular Melbourne Tango Weekend and hosted by Tango Club Melbourne, Hsin-Da Lee is a professional dancer and instructor who runs Tango Life Studio in Taiwan.
Hsin-Da will collaborate with Nadim in this one-off special workshop for Leaders, which will be super informative for dancers at all levels of experience!
About the workshop
Refine your tango-leading skills in this focused technique class designed to enhance precision, connection, and musicality. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or looking to strengthen your fundamentals, this class will help you develop a confident, clear lead while maintaining elegance and fluidity in your movements.
We’ll work on posture, balance, axis control, and footwork, as well as techniques for creating a smooth and dynamic connection with your partner. Through drills, exercises, and guided practice, you’ll gain the tools to lead with clarity and sensitivity, making your dancing more enjoyable for both you and your partner.
Book via email to info@tangoesencia.com.au or contact Rina directly.

New Year Special Program w/Tango Esencia

A perfect way to start the new year with energy, motivation, and good technique! 💪✨

Perfect for dancers at all levels to work in deeper and with more detail into the body. Bookings required.

1-2 pm Followers Technique
Creating a dancers body through strengthening and lengthening exercises, posture, balance and footwork.

2-3 pm Partners Technique & Partnering Drills
Understanding partnering technique that is needed to work together in a partnership and practical drills to work on for improved connection with your partner.

3-4 pm Embrace and Connection in the Tango Walk
How to have a better connection with your partner in the Walk. Various ways of walking with clean technique and articulation of foot waits for a transformative experience in walking!

$25 per class
$45 for two
$60 for all three classes

Milonga Chiqué

Our Milonga under the new name of Milonga Chiqué

Doors open at 7 pm

Entry $25 (nibbles included)
Bar Esencia will be open for you to purchase your favorite drinks.

Tango Esencia Tango Lab

Weekly on Thursdays –
Esencia Tango Lab Program (fundamentals class & assisted practica) presented by the Tango Esencia Team.
Esencia Tango Lab Program for progressive fast-track training
Tango Lab Fundamentals Class7p m-8 pm
Assisted practica 8 pm-10 pm
Thursday program (Class & Practica) $25
Practica only $15

Tango Esencia Bario de Tango Milonga

Our monthly 3rd Saturday Milonga is here! Please join us for a great night of dancing.

Bar Esencia will be open on the night for you to purchase your favourite drinks.

We look forward to welcoming you on the night and having a great evening with you.

As always, please do not attend if unwell so that we can safely continue dancing.


Australia Day Afternoon Milonga – Tango Esencia

Join us at Tango Esencia for a wonderful afternoon of dancing on a public holiday!
Sunda, 26th January
1.30 – 5 pm
$20 entry -light lunch included
Bar Esencia will be open for you to purchase your favourite drinks
We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!

Australia Day Afternoon Milonga on 26th January 1.30 – 5 pm💃

Damian Thompson with Rina Sawaya @ Tango Esencia

We will start off the new year by welcoming Damian Thompson back to Melbourne!
Many of you already know Damian well from when he used to live here, and you will be happy to hear that he will be holding some workshops in Melbourne in January, collaborating with Rina.
A little bit about Damian…
Damian Thompson has been dancing tango since 1990.
He currently resides in Poland and regularly teaches both within Poland and the Greater EU. He’s taught alongside many of the great tango teachers.
As a long-term student of tango, Damian has developed the Principles of Tango, which allow all tango elements to be taught using these guides. Complexity made easy and with fun.
Please book in for the workshops early so that you can secure your spot in the workshops.
*Bookings will be complete once payment made and confirmed.
**Workshops are intermediate to advanced level
***To book, please email info@tangoesencia.com.au or rinasawaya@gmail.com or, PM Rina directly.
-Private lessons will also be available. Please contact Damian directly for private lessons.

Christmas Bario de Tango Milonga @ Tango Esencia

Our monthly 3rd Saturday Milonga is here! Please join us for a great night of dancing.

Bar Esencia will be open on the night for you to purchase your favourite drinks.

We look forward to welcoming you on the night and having a great evening with you.

As always, please do not attend if unwell so that we can safely continue dancing.


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