Home new calendar page - Tango Club Melbourne Milongas Tango Esencia Milonga Organizer Rina & Nadim Phone 0477 997 337 - send a SMS Email info@tangoesencia.com.au Website https://tangoesencia.com.au Location Tango Esencia 327 Swan Street, Richmond VIC, Australia Category Milongas Date 20 Dec 2023 Expired! Time 8:00 pm - 11:30 pm Cost $20.00 Tango Esencia Milonga Bar Esencia will be open for you to purchase drinks and snacks to keep you energized through the night! Please do not attend if unwell so that we can keep on dancing. Team Esencia Share this event X + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export Tags: milonga, tango, Tango Esencia