Local Time
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Date: 13 Mar 2022
- Time: 12:00 am - 4:00 am
Solidarity Practilonga
Hello Melbourne!
We present our new Solidarity Practilonga
We present our new Solidarity Practilonga
A space to dance, laugh, create and support each other 

A series of pop-up creative collaborations between Elena and Marce to gather funds to support indigenous communities both in South America and Australia. Our first milonga will be held on the 13th March. We will be pleased to perform for you and also provide you with a lovely atmosphere and delightful music played by DJ Jose.
The profits of our first Practilonga will be directed to Los Wayuu, an indigenous community in La Guajira, Colombia. We are grateful with Tango Esencia team for providing their beautiful space to host this initiative. Big thank you!!! 

The school we are supporting is called Awalayuu Kiteschool. The school was founded 3 years ago by two Wayuus brothers who are passionate about kite surf. Their mission is to share their knowledge and space with the disadvantaged kids in the area. With this event we will help them get equipment of kids size so that they can learn more easily and comfortably. Awalayu’u is currently a point of reference of free kite learning for local children and are taking this opportunity to support them and encourage these kids with an activity that is fun and distracting from the well known challenges of the area.
Please see websites below:
Thank you for your support and energy and we are looking forward to seeing you!