


Tango Esencia
327 Swan Street, Richmond VIC, Australia


23 Apr 2023


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Solidarity Milonga

Hello Melbourne!
Dearest Tango community,
Elena Zaléz and myself (Marce Ospina) would like to invite you to our 2nd version of our #Solidarity #Milonga, same date, same time, same place, and same purpose Join us on a Tango evening organised for a good cause. In the evening, we will be pleased to perform along with fellow milongueras from the Tango community in Australia and also provide you with a lovely atmosphere and delightful music played by DJ Rosario.
This year we will send the collected funds to ‘Mission Mexico Foundation’. The purpose of the organisation is to break the cycles of poverty, abuse and inequality for every child. We are excited for this project and grateful for the support and generosity we receive from the community. A big thank you!!!
📅 23rd Abril 2023
📍 Tango Esencia – Melbourne
⌚ 7.30 pm
💌 Fee: welcoming donations from $20AU 🙏.
🎟️ Pre Purchase:…/solidarity-milonga…
👀 Promo code TANGOSOL *1 week validity
‘Mission Mexico Foundation’ started home-schooling seven children, all children and youth within the organisation come from traumatic backgrounds. With our Milonga we will be supporting their refuge for abandoned and abused children. MMF provides a safe and loving long term home for children and youth, supporting them in all aspects of their lives until they are of appropriate age and ready to live independently. Funding will help them to provide healthy and nutritious meals, a safe & secure home, personal wellbeing items, and a dedicated team who provide around the clock care for the kids.
With the combination of all the programs within MMF and our support; every new child will be provided with the right tools to build a life that they love, deserve, and can choose. Due to breaking the cycles of poverty and abuse, these children and youth will continue to inspire, bring positivity, and fill the world around us with hope.
Thank you for your support and energy and we are looking forward to seeing you! 💖✨🇨🇴🇦🇷🇦🇺🏄‍♂️
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