This level is suitable for dancers who understand the basic level criteria and the underlying structure of tango. Although we will be working as couples the class is restricted to the same household or regular couples only.
The focus is on finding a connection within the embrace and how to incorporate musicality. Challenging tango combinations are taught and discussed. This level allows for the opportunity to deepen the expression of the dance, allowing your personal style to emerge through musicality and more complex adornments.
Price Structure
Basic Class One Person $25 Class package block of five x 1 hour class $100
Basic Class Two People $46 Class package block of five x 1 hour class $180
Dancing Tango can be taught in way that make you fail over and over again. Tango Melbourne beginner classes will get you doing things within moments that you never thought possible.We love the dance and with our passion and your joy we will get you out and dancing socially within weeks.
Tango Level 1.5
Push your tango a bit further. Tango level 1.5 is a combination of Movement sequences, Tango Vals and Tango Milonga.
The Sequences are some of the most common and usable sequences so that you are ready to go out and move with others without having to worry about knowing what to do.
In the Vals / Milonga Classes you will learn the way to dance to Vals & Milonga.
At a Tango Social event (also called a milonga) the music is divided into 3 types. Tango, Vals and Milonga (the musical style, not the social event…yes we know its confusing). Although Tango is the majority of the music played the other 2 styles are used every 4 or for tandas (groups of songs)
Tango Vals is a dance in groups of 3 like other valses however, in Tango Vals you will be using your Argentine Tango ideas to make it all happen.
Milonga is where tango started. It is a dance based in groups of 2 and is the ‘fun’ more folk style of tango.
Everyone is invited to come and share in the combined knowledge of two of Melbourne’s most well-known and experienced tango maestros, teaching together again!
we will be working under the Independent Creative Learning* guidelines This style of teaching allows for students to learn at their own pace, generally set out by the fastest learners. In an Open tango workshop like this, the student can learn up to 5 advanced combinations of minimum 4 bars of music each.
Within these combinations the student is exposed to the main components of the dance, eg; Giros*, Boleos*, Planeos*, Cortes*, Corridas* etc, and how all these components are placed following or preceding any given movement.
These combinations are taught with music interpretation and positioning in relation to line of dance* in a Milonga* scenario.
So we invite all Leaders who want to experience following and all Followers who want to develop leading skills to join us and take a walk on the wild side!
Topic: Changing Roles Date: Sunday 18th September Time: 1.00-3.00pm (Please arrive 15 minutes prior) Venue: Mark Street Hall, 1 Mark St, Fitzroy Nth Cost: FREE for MST Members ($40 value)
It is recommended for intermediate to advanced dancers.
Please note, that this Intensivo topic will require changing partners during the session.
There are Limited places available.
You may book as an individual or a couple, but please note that all participants will take turns at Leading and Following in this session.
MST Practica will follow the Intensivo in the same venue – 3 pm-6.00 pm – $5 MST members – payable at the door
ALL Melbourne Maestro Intensivos is FREE for Members of Melbourne Social Tango.
Please ensure your membership status is Active before booking
Dancing Tango can be taught in a way that makes you fail over and over again. Tango Melbourne beginner classes will get you to do things within moments that you never thought possible. We love the dance and with our passion and your joy, we will get you out and dancing socially within weeks.
Tango Level 1.5
Push your tango a bit further. Tango level 1.5 is a combination of Movement sequences, Tango Vals and Tango Milonga.
Sequences are some of the most common and usable sequences so that you are ready to go out and move with others without having to worry about knowing what to do.
In the Vals / Milonga Classes you will learn the way to dance to Vals & Milonga.
At a Tango Social event (also called a milonga) the music is divided into 3 types. Tango, Vals, and Milonga (the musical style, not the social event…yes we know it’s confusing). Although Tango is the majority of the music played the other 2 styles are used every 4 or for tandas (groups of songs)
Tango Vals is a dance in groups of 3 like other valses however, in Tango Vals you will be using your Argentine Tango ideas to make it all happen.
Milonga is where tango started. It is a dance based in groups of 2 and is the ‘fun’ more folk style of tango.
A new class on a Wednesday night, in which we will have a theme each month.
The cost of any one class is $25 per person, however if you attend both classes in one week ( general class on Thursday), the cost for the second class will be reduced to $15 per person.